EU Referendum Result

EU Referendum Result

Good morning Clients, Trustees and Professional advisers.

No doubt you will have seen the vote and the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Early indications are of a significant degree of short term market volatility within most if not all asset classes. Markets are likely to remain volatile in the short term. It is important that we do not allow the current volatility to damage long term financial plans.

Financial planning develops long term plans to meet your objectives. We see no reason to alter the pragmatic investment approaches that you have adopted. It is our belief that a diversified portfolio will continue to achieve the long term objectives they are designed to do.

Furthermore, we believe that investors lose when short term economic problems divert their attention from their long term objectives. Maintaining a disciplined approach will protect your wealth and help you achieve your goals.

If you have any concerns, we shall be happy to discuss your individual position.

Neil Muir DipPFS; CFP - Director

On Behalf of NTM Financial Services Ltd