Team Building Day

Each Summer at NTM we have a team building day. This year we went canoeing on the river Wye.

We all met for breakfast at the Potting Shed in Whitchurch, Herefordshire. From there, we headed to the Symonds Yat Canoe Hire base right on the banks of the beautiful River Wye at Symonds Yat West, in the heart of the stunning Wye Valley. We got equipped with maps, oars and buoyancy aids, then piled into the minibus which took us 8 miles up the river where our canoes were waiting for us.

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Ashleigh and Wills set the pace, quickly setting off the mark. They had not yet mastered the art of rowing straight and were zig-zagging across the river.

Closely followed by Sarah and Neil, the competitive side came out of Millsy and Sandy and a collision into the riverbank became inevitable. The two canoes narrowly avoided capsizing and they managed to get away with just a few splashes and scrapes.

Meanwhile, Beth and Tom enjoyed a leisurely row at the back, observing the altercations from afar.

After all the drama, we decided to pull over at a beach on the riverbank near Lydbrook where we tied up our canoes and headed for some refreshments at a nearby pub, The Forge Hammer. Tom faced a wobble departing his canoe, much to the enjoyment of the rest of us. Neil was not afraid of the water and got feet deep. Feeling refreshed, we set off down the river once again. Five miles later, we arrived back at the Symonds Yat base, feeling the ache from our arms and legs.good fake rolex watches



We rounded the day off with a few drinks at Ye Olde Ferrie Inn near Symonds Yat.